ACC is a FireWise Community!
ACC is a FireWise Community!
Firewise Guidelines
1. The Architectural Control Committee in conjunction with the Board must approve all tree removal plans for any tree that has a trunk over 6” in diameter or with a trunk further than 30’ from the house structure.
2. King County regulations supersede the ACC’s rules.
3. Any tree removal process conducted using these guidelines requires adherence to Firewise principles, including but not limited to: limbing all trees within 10’ of the ground, removing immediately any felled trees and branches, and removal of other dead, downed and detached woody debris.
4. Any trees within 30’ of your house can be removed without approval of the ACC’s Architectural Control Committee and Board.
5. Removal of any trees beyond 30’ from your house requires approval from the ACC’s Architectural Control Committee and Board, following a guideline that no trees should be within 10’ of each other but that some trees should be preserved on the lot, with a preference for healthy trees and for hemlock over silver fir.
6. Removal of trees beyond 30’ from a home without written permission from the Architectural Control Committee and the Board may result in fines of up to $250 per tree.